Basic Needs Resources for Graduate Students

Aggie Compass Basic Needs Center
Located in the Memorial Union, the Aggie Compass a student community space where you can find fresh fruits and vegetables during Fruit & Veggie Up!, get CalFresh enrollment assistance and find resources to help you find stable housing and financial assistance. The director is Leslie Kemp.

UC Davis Student Health and Counseling Services
If you need to visit a doctor or pharmacist, or you need assistance with physical therapy, nutrition, or getting a flu shot (and many other services), you can make an appointment by calling the front desk. Most insurances are accepted, and PhD students will have access to UCSHIP as a part of their offer package.

GSA Food Pantry
Gradggies, our pantry is now operating on a set schedule! Stop by for fresh veggies, canned goods, COVID tests, and other essentials. All you need is an ID and a reusable bag. Make sure to follow us on Instagram @ucdgsapantry to stay updated on our restocks and to interact with our team. Our schedule for the remainder of Fall quarter is Monday 11:30am - 12:30pm, Tuesday 1:30pm - 3:30pm, Wednesday 11:30am - 1:30pm, Thursday 11:00am - 3:00pm, and Friday 11:30am - 12:30pm.

Aggie Blue to Gold Financial Wellness Program
The Aggie Blue to Gold Financial Wellness Program provides information and resources for all students, whether you just graduated High School and are looking into college for the first time, or you are finishing your thesis while trying to support a family. Our Wellness Program can also provide information and resources for parents of UC Davis students.
GSA Contracted Services
The Graduate Student Association provides several services through agreements with private contractors. Please follow the link to view the GSA's contracted services.