Funding Opportunities

Funding through the Graduate Student Association

The Graduate Student Association provides six major funding sources for students and student organizations throughout the year. These are the five listed below and the departmental fund.

Specific rules regarding each application are found in the bylaws as well as directly on the application form.


Travel Award

Graduate students attending virtual conferences or professional development opportunities between January 5 and February 5 are eligible to apply for the Spring 2024 GSA Travel Award. Due to pandemic related travel restrictions, award recipients may be reimbursed up to $500 for registration and other related costs, such as fees for membership or abstract submission. Sign in to your UCD google account to access the instructions and blank sample application and apply today. The application must be received by February 5, 2024 to be eligible for review.

Orientation Fund

Orientation funds are provided to graduate departments who wish to host events at the beginning of the academic year. The event must occur between September 1 and October 23 to serve incoming graduate students, and receive no outside sponsorship. Applications will be open from August 1 through September 30. Department graduate student associations may apply by completing the application.

Special Projects

The Special Projects Fund is a source of funding for graduate student-initiated projects and events of interest to graduate students (e.g. academic, career development, & social). A maximum of $1,000 may be awarded per project, and applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Additional instructions and required information are listed on the first page of the application

*The Special Projects Fund has been closed for the 2024-25 academic year

Community Engagement Fund