UC Davis Graduate Student Resource Guide
There are countless campus resources for graduate students here at UC Davis. Sometimes it can be easy to get lost trying to find everything. As of 2024, we are working to create a comprehensive Graduate Student Resource Guide with information for all sorts of avenues of graduate student support: professional, academic, financial, communal, and more. If there is anything you think that should be on this list, please reach out to gsasecretary@ucdavis.edu. This list was started in the 2023-24 academic year by GSA Secretary Sicily Lerner and compiled in collaboration with the CGPSA resource advisory board.
For events, updates, CFPs, fundraisers, etc., please sign up to receive the GSA's weekly announcements. The information for these can be found here
Table of Contents:
- Professional Development
- Graduate Community and Diversity Support
Professional Development
GradPathways Institute for Professional Development
- Supports the professional development of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in 8 core competencies.
- Contact: gpi@ucdavis.edu
- Supports students in post-graduation, nonacademia (and some academic!) job and internship pursuits
The Center for Educational Effectiveness
- Supports graduate students and faculty in refining teaching strategies and provides resources; microcredentials; and more
- Contact: cee@ucdavis.edu
The University Writing Program
- Supports graduate students (advanced to candidacy) with writing skills in one-on-one consultations as well as workshops
- Contact: rdalexander@ucdavis.edu
- The Chancellor's Graduate & Professional Student Advisory Board is made up of graduate students that work with the chancellor to better support graduate and professional students' needs and interests.
- Contact: gradassistant@ucdavis.edu
- The DHI works to support graduate students, faculty, and departments in the humanities here at UCDavis by offering funding, workshops, and hosting talks by Davis and non-Davis local speakers
- Contact: dhi@ucdavis.edu
UC Davis Postdoctoral Student Association
- The postdoctoral association at UC Davis that represents and serves the postdoctoral community
- Contact: https://postdocs.ucdavis.edu/Contact
The Mike and Renee Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- The MRIIE develops graduate student skills in entrepreneurship and innovation and helps lay a path for commercializing products via workshops, fellowships, speaker series, and more
- Contact: aggieinnovators@ucdavis.edu
MINT (the Mentorship Initiative Network Toolbox)
- A Professors for the Future Initiative that provides a toolkit for graduate students who serve as mentors to undergrads as TAs, AIs, GSRs, and more
- Share research facilities, instruments, and expertise across this directory which includes over 70 cores and facilities. Houses more than 450 resources and services to support research including equipment, space, consultation, labs, offices, and more
NCFDD (non-UCD link)
- An international, nationally recognized foundation that works to support faculty and graduate students in their academic careers. They provide coworking sessions; courses; webinars; dissertation support; and more--and, it's free for UC Davis graduate students
Graduate Community and Diversity Support
- Home to several student resources including study rooms/spaces, meeting rooms, an open lounge, and many student support centers (e.g., Cross Cultural Center)
- The on-campus recreation center that houses workshops, the gym, and more
Campus Rec Well-Being Fee Waiver
- Fee waivers are offered on a quarterly basis to classes at the ARC, Craft Center, and other campus rec areas.
- A resource list for student parents that hosts fairs, student parent events, and more including academic support, childcare opportunities, crisis and/or financial support, and more
- Provides a list of resources for undocumented students including basic needs (food, housing, etc.), mental health, scholarships, and information regarding legal support/policy
- Contact: ab540-undocumented@ucdavis.edu
- Hosts workshops for increasing community empowerment, a graduate students of color mentoring program, celebrations of diversity, a library for cultural diversity awareness, grants for student organizations, and a comprehensive resource guide for cultural communities
- Contact: ccc@ucdavis.edu
- The LGBTQIA resource center hosts a safe, inclusive space for communal gathering, offers a variety of resources for addressing LGBTQIA needs, such as health & wellbeing resources, coming out resources, gender-inclusive restroom information, housing, and more, and hosts events celebrating LGBTQIA diversity
- Contact: lgbtqia@ucdavis.edu
Women's Resource and Research Center (WRRC)
- The Women’s Resource and Research Center provides a space for women on campus and offers academic, awareness, wellness, and community building programs centered on supporting women and promoting gender equity, such as an in-center feminist library, scholarship programs, wellness appointments, the Davis Feminist Film Festival, and more.
- Contact: wrrc@ucdavis.edu
The Graduate Center at Historic Walker Hall
- The home of the Graduate Student Association, The Postdoctoral Scholars Association, and Graduate Studies. This building serves as the main hub for all graduate-centered activities and will contain resources such as a Student Parent writing room, multiple meeting rooms for graduate students, and common spaces that will connect graduate students with one another.
- Counseling Services provides mental health and advocacy services to promote wellbeing through short-term individual or group counseling sessions.
- Contact: (530) 752-0871
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Program
- The DEI Education program seeks to promote principles of DEI through 30+ workshops, trainings, courses, and seminars throughout the year, and the program is available for consultation and unit/department-specific training.
- Contact: diversityeducation@ucdavis.edu
Graduate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program
- The Graduate DEI Program focuses on 1) increasing diversity in the admissions process to grad school and 2) supporting DEI efforts for current graduate students by hosting a Diversity Orientation for incoming students and developing the First-Generation Grads Initiative (mentoring, networking, and professional development).
- Contact: mjmoreno@ucdavis.edu
Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS)
- A Global Affairs resource for International Students focused on providing information about visa types, employment, residence, and fellowships and promoting the International community in Davis through events and programming, such as a monthyl Scholar Coffee Break.
- Contact: siss@ucdavis.edu
Harassment and Discrimination Assistance Prevention Program (HDAPP)
- Provides information and support for people who have experienced harassment, discrimination, or other prohibited behaviors, including by supporting the reporting process.
- Contact: hdapp@ucdavis.edu
Student Disability Center (SDC)
- The SDC focuses on supporting students with disabilities by reviewing and approving accommodation requests (e.g., exam accommodations), listing on- and off-campus resources for students with disabilities (e.g., public transportation services), and loaning assistive technologies.
- Contact: sdc@ucdavis.edu
- A CCC initiative celebrating and showcasing cultural diversity throughout the year, including Black Family Day, La Gran Tardeada, Lights Festival, and Powwow
- Contact: ccc@ucdavis.edu
Center for African Diaspora Student Success
- Provides academic and general support for African American and African Diaspora students, including retention, tutoring, advising, emotional wellbeing, and professional development services, in addition to celebrations of African American and cultures
- Contact:
Native American Academic Student Success Center
- Provides academic and general support for Indigenous students, including retention, tutoring, advising, emotional wellbeing, and professional development services, in addition to celebrations of Indigenous cultures
- Contact: nari@ucdavis.edu
Center for Chicanx and Latinx Academic Student Success
- Provides academic and general support for Chicanx and Latinx students, including retention, tutoring, advising, emotional wellbeing, and professional development services, in addition to celebrations of Chicanx and Latinx cultures.
- Contact: cclass@ucdavis.edu
Strategic Asian and Pacific Islander Retention Initiative
- Provides academic and general support for Asian and Pacific Islander students, including retention, tutoring, advising, emotional wellbeing, and professional development services, in addition to celebrations of Asian and Pacific Islander cultures.
- Contact: apiretention@ucdavis.edu
AB540 and Undocumented Student Center
- Legal advice, grants, support, and more for undocumented students
- Location: 1003 Student Community Center
(530) 752-9538
Center for African Diaspora Student Success (CADSS)
- Networking, mentoring, alumni events, and more
- Location: 420 Hutchison Drive (2nd floor of South Silo, Room 270)
(530) 754-0854
Center for Chicanx and Latinx Academic Student Success (CCLASS)
- Academic advising, counseling, career opportunities, and more
- Location: 243 Memorial Union (2nd floor)
(530) 752-8508
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center (LGBTQIA RC)
- Internships, mental health resources, mentorship, academic retention, education, and more; confidential resources for those facing or survivors of domestic violence
- Location: 1400 Student Community Center
(530) 752-2452
Native American Academic Student Success Center (NAASSC)
- Community and a sense of belonging for students, staff, and faculty from a variety of tribal backgrounds
- Location: University House
(530) 752-3890
Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS)
- Assistance for maintaining legal status and referrals for financial, cultural, academic concerns
- Location: University House
(530) 752-0864
- Provides service to veterans and dependents
- Location: 243 Memorial Union Second Floor
(530) 752-2020
- A student-run group across UC Davis schools, campuses, and programs to support students who are Arabic, Palestinian, a student of color, or allies that prioritizes student well-being and activism
- This is an effort to assist people in need by providing food for free, no questions asked. Open every week night in Central Park, 8-10pm
Diversity Support
Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS)
Harassment and Discrimination Assistance Prevention Program (HDAPP)
Student Disability Center (SDC)
Women's Resource and Research Center (WRRC)
Center for African Diaspora Student Success
Financial Support and Information
- Information for health services, insurance, and more
- Contact: 800-282-3284
- The UC Davis Health Equity Fund is available to help reimburse students who have experienced significant out-of-pocket expenses related to accessing physical or mental healthcare or to students who have a significant privacy concern as a dependent (e.g., sexual health services).
- Contact: insurance@shcs.ucdavis.edu
UC UAW Contract: Postdoctoral Scholars
- The full, recently-negotiated contract for Postdoctoral Scholars (also including postgraduate researchers), which expires September 30, 2027; also includes general information and news updates about the contract.
- Contact: ucnet@ucop.edu
UC UAW Contract: Academic Student Employees
- The full, recently-negotiated contract for Academic Student Employees (i.e., graduate teaching assistants, readers, tutors and other instructional assistants), which expires May 31, 2025; also includes general information and news updates about the contract.
- Contact: ucnet@ucop.edu
UC UAW Contract: Graduate Student Researchers
- The full, recently-negotiated contract for Graduate Student Researchers (also including graduate student research assistants, fellows, and trainees), which expires May 31, 2025; also includes general information and news updates about the contract.
- Contact: ucnet@ucop.edu
UC UAW Contract: Academic Researchers
- The full, recently-negotiated contract for Academic Researchers (i.e., Academic Specialists, Project Scientists, Professional Researchers and Coordinators of Public Programs), which expires September 30, 2027; also includes general information and news updates about the contract.
- Contact: ucnet@ucop.edu
International Student Resources
Residence Classification Process & Important Dates
- Resources describing important dates, deadlines, and processes for submitting Statements of Legal Residence in California.
Out of state (new to California) Student Resources
Googledoc for Davis-area newcomers
- This is primarily a community-based resource guide and what's what of Davis written for visitors after I had lived here for approximately 2 years. Welcome to the area!
- Written by GSA secretary Sicily Lerner in Winter Quarter 2024; contact her thru the Leadership page on the GSA website
Requirements of All Graduate Students
Master’s and Doctoral Candidacy Information
- Describes requirements for advancing to candidacy for master’s degree and doctoral students. “Candidacy” refers to the advanced phase of graduate study to which a student advances after fulfilling certain standards determined by their degree objective. After a student advances to candidacy, they work on their final requirements (thesis, dissertation, comprehensive exam, capstone) and select an advanced degree committee.
Qualifying Exam Information (Doctoral Students)
Describes the Qualifying Exam (QE) format, student eligibility, applying to take the QE, retake procedures, and QE policies.
All departments have Graduate Handbooks on their websites. If you cannot find yours, email your graduate program coordinator. Handbooks contain information including program requirements; bylaws; and more.
Registered Student Organizations
- Contains the entire list of all 907 Graduate Student RSOs
Teaching Assistant and Graduate Student Instructor Resources
Center for Educational Effectiveness
- The CEE offers workshops and consultations for teaching assistants and instructors of undergraduate courses.
Emergencies and Basic Needs
Aggie Compass Basic Needs Center
- Aggie Compass has lots of programs and opportunities related to basic needs resources, including food and housing among others.
- Location: East Wing, Memorial Union.
(530) 752-9254
Center for Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE)
- A confidential resource for UC Davis affiliates who are survivors of sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic/dating violence, and stalking.
Location: 2730 Stockton Blvd, Ticon III (Davis Location)
(916) 734-3799
- The website has telephone numbers and resources for immediate and long-term crisis support and management.
- Information regarding immediate financial assistance including legal and social service resources
- This webpage has information regarding the short-term and emergency loans graduate students can apply for from the university, including the GSFTL which enables students to receive payment in the month of September
- Free tests can be found in a vending machine outside of the Mary L. Stephens Library
Free Narcan
- Available in the SCC, the MU, and the ARC
- A non-emergency confidential physical and mental health support from professional medical educators. Health34 can be reached any time by phone and can direct students to additional resources if needed; they also have a an on-campus and can address concerns in-person.
- (530)754-3434
- Information for free food/toiletries, CALFRESH, etc.
Graduate Studies Emergency Grant Program
- Up to $1,500 for graduate students experiencing impediments in their degree progress; application is available on website
- Student support for rental assistance, rehousing, emergency and short-term housing, shelters, and legal services
- Immediate mental health support including substance abuse
Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA)
- Connections to case managers who support in crises and for reporting misconduct
- Location: 3200 Dutton Hall
(530) 752-1128
Health and Wellness
Center for Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE)
- A confidential resource for survivors of sexual assault, harassment, DV, and stalking
- Location: 2730 Stockton Blvd, Ticon III (Davis Location)
(916) 734-3799
- Information for various options, resources, and how to file for leave
- Group and individual counseling, mental health services, and referrals
- Location: 219 North Hall
(530) 752-2349
Counseling Services provided by Graduate Studies
- Graduate student psychological support specialist for grad school-specific struggles
- Location: Walker Hall
Dr. Bai-Yin Chen (set up appointment by emailing her at bychen@ucdavis.edu)
- An all-encompassing website that contains resources for mental health services, campus and community support, substance abuse issues, and more
- Campus clinic for OSHA concerns, including treatment
- Location: Cowell Hall
(530) 752-6051
Student Disability Center (SDC)
- Information for academic accommodations, support, etc.
- Location: 54 Cowell Building
(530) 752-3184
Student Health and Wellness Center
- Primary care, specialty care, pharmacy, etc. for those with UCSHIP
- Location: 930 Orchard Road
(530) 752-2349
- Programs and education that support employee and student efficacy
- Location: Multiple locations
(530) 754-8791
Reporting Resources
Academic and Staff Assistance Program
- A confidential and free assessment, consultation, referral services to all faculty and staff
- (530) 752-2727
- How to file sexual harassment/violence, police accountability, etc.
- Information about community; programs; grants; and student support, including filing for harassment/discrimination
- Location: First floor - Student Community Center
(530) 752-4287
Harassment & Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program (HDAPP)
- Assists in preventing and resolving conflicts and complaints including how to report an incident and policies and procedures
- Location: 207 Third Street, # 210, Davis CA 95616
(530) 747-3864 (Davis Main Line) and (530) 747-3865 (Davis Anonymous Call Line)
- Information regarding Title IX
- Location: Mrak Hall
(530) 752-9466 (Wendi Delmendo, Title IX Officer)
- a confidential conflict management resource; provides support in clarification, identifying resources, and training
- (530) 754-7233 or (916) 734-1600 (voicemail is confidential. For non-confidential material, contact ombuds@ucdavis.edu)
Teaching and Professional Development
- Workshops about teaching with technology, classroom technology support, computer classrooms.
Location: Surge II
(530) 752-2133
The Cross Cultural Center's Database for Conferences and Meetings (nonUCD link)
- This excel sheet is updated monthly with information regarding conferences and meetings around the United States; feel free to submit
- anabrown@ucdavis.edu
Navigating Complex Health Issues While in Graduate School (nonUCD link)
This is a PFTF project from 2023-24 that established a guide for those suffering from chronic health problems, mystery illnesses, and more while in graduate school
AATC Writing Support Center (for undergrads)
- A resource to recommend to undergraduate students who need assistance in writing
International & Academic English Program
- Support for nonnative English speakers
- Location: International Center, 463 California Ave
- Email iae@ucdavis.edu
Office of Graduate Studies and GradPathways
- Offers events; professional development; workshop; advising; and other academic and professional services
- Location: Walker Hall
(530) 752-0650
Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA)
- Office for academic integrity and student support for crises
- Location: 3200 Dutton Hall
(530) 752-1128
Teaching Assistant Consulting Program (TAC) and the Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE)
- Graduate teaching support
- Location: 1342 Surge III
(530) 752-6050
Mentorship Internet Toolbox (MINT) (nonUCD link)
- A Professors for the Future project from the 2023-24 year, this is a toolkit for graduate students who mentor undergrads
2024 Election FAQ/Information
What to do if a Federal Immigration Agent contacts you:
- Inform the agent that you are not obstructing their process and need to consult with campus counsel because you are not authorized to give consent to access persons or non-public areas of buildings.
- Call Campus Counsel at (530) 754-7111.
- Call UC Davis Police Department (530) 752-1727.
- Ask for the agent’s name, ID number, agency affiliation, and business card.
- Ask to take a photo of the warrant or subpoena so you can provide it to campus counsel.
- Students/Employees seeking immigration advice, contact UC Immigration Legal Services Center (UCIMM).
- Know Your Rights.
- FAQs for University Employees about Possible Federal Immigration Enforcement Actions on University Property.
- Resources for California’s Immigrant Communities, CA Attorney General.
UC Davis Frequently Asked Questions
General information, including links to webpages for specific questions, can be found here. This is the official UCD webpage.
The Grad Studies Graduate Student Resource Guide is the university/Grad Studies-run resource guide. This is the official administrative resource page.