General Membership

The Graduate Student Association — General Assembly

The General Assembly consists of representatives from the graduate groups of UC Davis, and has fiscal authority over the Graduate Student Association.  All departments send representatives to the Assembly equal to one Assembly Member per every thirty students (or fraction thereof). We take pride in being a graduate student association with an extremely high ratio of representatives to students, compared to other university graduate student associations. The 2024-25 graduate representative headcount per department can be found here.

Each year, department representatives must register with the Graduate Student Association in order to receive attendance credit and to be eligible to vote. Departments receive funding from GSA based on the attendance of representatives at general assembly meetings. To see the allocated number of representative for each department and basics for being a representative, check out the files below. Representatives can register here (log in to your UCD google account to have access to the page). In addition, representatives are required to sign up for the Graduate Student Association listserv to receive updates from the Association and all general assembly meeting materials. You can sign up for the listserv here.

Please see the files below for a one page description of Representative duties, and a thorough description of Representative Responsibilities plus Information for the academic year and guidelines for the General Assembly meetings. These documents outline the role you are expected to perform as a GSA rep for the campus and for your department.

For 2024-25 our general meetings are Wednesdays from 6-8pm on the following dates: 10/2, 11/6, 12/4, 1/15, 2/5, 3/5, 4/9, 5/7, and 6/4. Meetings are held via Zoom, with the option for one in-person meeting per quarter. We will send out the registration link appx one week before the date, and again two days before. You must register before you can receive the Zoom meeting link.

If you have a dispute with the number of representatives for your department, please contact the Treasurer (

Have a resolution to submit? You can do so here. Resolution template can be found here. You need to submit this 2 weeks before the GA meeting. Please check the "Documents" page to see the how-to for writing a resolution. We thank you for your passion in supporting student government.