Event Date
To wrap up winter term, GSA and Graduate Diversity are partnering to host an End-of-the-Quarter Lunch Event for graduate students on Wednesday, March 8th, 12-2pm in Walker Hall. Similar to the lunch event we hosted at the beginning of the winter quarter, but this time with more food!
A big thank you to Graduate Diversity for their support and partnership. Their contribution to the event has allowed us to almost double our budget and the amount of food we can provide for the event
We'll be offering Ike's sandwiches, chips, and various beverages.* Grab-n-go or hang out in the common area in Walker Hall with your favorite grad pals.
Vegan and gluten free options will be available.
Please bring valid Student ID to present.
*There will be a limited amount of food! We'll be serving until 2pm or until the food runs out. Thank you in advance for understanding.