
The Award for Excellence in Service to Graduate Students

The Award for Excellence in Service to Graduate Students (AESGS) is currently the only award granted by the Graduate Student Association. Since 2002, the Graduate Student Association annually awards two faculty and two staff members in recognition of their commitment to the success of graduate students at UC Davis. 

Faculty and staff are nominated by students. The nomination period opens in late Winter quarter and the finalists are selected and confirmed during the April general assembly meeting. For questions about the nomination process, please email the Internal Vice President (

Previous GSA Award for Excellence in Service to Graduate Students Winners:

2024: Dr. Damian Genetos, Professor, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology, Dr. Lindsay Bowman, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Charles Arnold, Statistician, Institute for Global Nutrition, Tracy Lade, Chief Administrative Officer, Department of Physics and Astronomy

2023: Dr. Magali Billen, Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Dr. Mallika Nocco, Professor, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, Alyssa Parsons, Graduate Group Coordinator for Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (BMCDB), and Alisha Bartolomucci, Graduate Program Administrator for Graduate Group in Nutritional Biology

2021: Christal Wintersmith, Graduate Coordinator and Student Services Advisor, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group, Stephanie Fallas, Graduate Coordinator, Department of Communication and Department of Linguistics

2020: Dr. Julia Menard-Warwick, Department of Linguistics, Dr. John Slater, Chair, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Associate Professor of Spanish, Stella C. Mancillas, Graduate Program Coordinator, Department of Native American Studies, and Tina Denena, Department of Mathematics

2019: Dr. Megan Welsh, Associate Professor in the School of Education, and Lisa Ronco, Graduate Program Coordinator for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. 

2018: Dr. Nichole Rabaud, Graduate Program Coordinator for Food Science and Viticulture & Enology, and Dr. Mark Jerng, Associate Professor of English.

2017: Dr. Jean-Pierre Delplanque, Associate Dean for Students in Graduate Studies, Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Lisa Brown, Graduate Group Coordinator, Horticulture & Agronomy.

2016: Shirley Luckhart, Professor, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology, and Alan Rose, Project Scientist, Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology.